5 Best Inexpensive Medical Dictionaries for Nursing Students

Table of Contents

Have you just begun your first semester of nursing school? You probably need to purchase a medical dictionary to look up medical terms, diagnoses, and learn about labs, equipment, etc. It is virtually impossible to know and remember everything.

Eventually, your dictionary will become your best friend helping you throughout your nursing education. Here’s a list of the 5 best, yet inexpensive medical dictionaries for nurses.

1. Mosby’s Dictionary of Medicine

Completely dedicated to the field of medicine, this dictionary doesn’t merely define words. It’s a guidebook that can solve almost any health care complication. It has-

  • 51,000+ high-end quality definitions of major diseases, procedures, and drugs.
  • A wide variety of demos to enhance the learning experience.

2. Taber’s Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary

If you want to know all about a certain medical term, Taber’s Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary is THE choice. It has-

  • Medical terminologies explained in concise detail
  • Definitions of medical terms
  • Symptoms and interventions of medical conditions

In short, head to toe of a medical term!

3. Merriam-Webster’s Medical Dictionary

A little dictionary that has-

  • An expansive provision of helpful and useful information for nurses on the go.
  • Crisp and clear information about medical terminologies, definitions, as well as pronunciations of the terms.

4. The Bantam Medical Dictionary

As a nurse, you might not get time to read descriptive explanations. Therefore, this dictionary has-

  • 1000’s of terms and definitions.
  • Instructive tables of-

– Important elements

– Vitamins

– Trade

– Generic names

– Common prescription drugs

– Symptoms & First-aid procedures

– Extensive cross references

5. Medical Terminology for Dummies

This dictionary includes information on-

  • Diseases
  • Injuries
  • Treatments
  • Other Medical Terminologies

In addition to these inexpensive dictionaries, there are other, more expensive dictionaries that also contain valuable information.

Some of these include Stedman’s Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing, Webster’s New World Medical Dictionary, and Dorland’s Illustrated Medical Dictionary, which can explain pretty much any medical term you can think of!

If you know of other valuable dictionaries, please share the titles with us.

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